Featured Speakers Announced for ISPE Bio Manufacturing & Process Validation Events

16 April, 2019

ISPE announced its featured speakers for two signature events:

Taking place in one of the most influential bio hubs, Boston, Massachusetts USA, these concurrent events bring together regulators and pharmaceutical industry experts to address top biomanufacturing and process validation issues.

Featured Speakers for the ISPE Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Conference include leading biopharma experts and regulatory leaders:

Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Mark R. Bamforth
President & CEO
Brammer Bio
Steve Bagshaw, CEng, FIChemE
Chief Executive Officer
Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies
Eric S. Langer
President & Managing Partner
BioPlan Associates, Inc.

Featured Speakers for the ISPE Process Validation Workshop include regulatory leaders and technical experts for bio process validation:

Maneesha Altekar, PhD
Technical Director, Business Strategy & Operations
Alexey Khrenov, PhD
Senior Staff Fellow

Christopher Pastorello
Director, Head of GMP Operations
Century Therapeutics
Thanmaya Peram
Senior Engineer & Group Leader
Ms. Tara Scherder
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Mr. Louis J. Traglia, MS
Principal Consultant
Commissioning Agents, Inc.
Keith Webber, PhD
VP, Biotechnology
Lachman Consultant Services

Learn more about these two events:

2019 ISPE Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Conference

18 - 20 June 2019
Boston, MA USA

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2019 ISPE Process Validation Workshop

20 - 21 June 2019
Boston, MA USA