ISPE International Board of Directors Announces Selection of ISPE and ISPE Foundation Interim President and CEO

06 September, 2024

ISPEInternational Board of Directors has announced its selection of the ISPE and ISPE Foundation Interim President and CEO. Michael (Mike) L. Rutherford has more than 36 years of experience as a pharmaceutical industry quality professional and more than 20 years of membership with ISPE.

Mike is thoroughly knowledgeable about ISPE, having served on the ISPE International Board of Directors since 2017 and on numerous committees for ISPE over the past several decades. The International Board of Directors is pleased to announce our selection of Mike as Interim President and CEO and look forward to his continued support of the growth and success of ISPE and the ISPE Foundation.

Senior Vice President Global Engineering, Technology, & Facilities

Prior to accepting the Interim President and CEO position, he was the Immediate Past Chair of the ISPE International Board Executive Committee and Board of Directors after serving as the Chair, ISPE International Board of Directors 2022-2023. He has also served as a Director and Executive Committee member on the ISPE Foundation Board of Directors. 

Among his many leadership and volunteer-based roles with ISPE, Rutherford was also a member and Past Chair of the GAMP® Community of Practice Global Steering Committee, a Past Chair of the GAMP Americas Steering Committee, a sponsor of numerous GAMP Special Interest Groups (SIGs), including those on Data Integrity and the Cloud, and a contributing author to numerous GAMP Guides and Good Practice Guides. He has served on numerous ISPE and GAMP-related conferences program committees, including serving as the Chair for the 2019 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo. Rutherford received the 2014 ISPE Max Seales Yonker Member of the Year Award and the 2016 ISPE Joseph X. Phillips Professional Achievement Award.  

In November 2023, Mike retired from Syneos Health as Executive Director, Quality Assurance, Computer Systems Quality and Data Integrity where he was responsible globally for computer systems quality and data integrity.  He previously retired from Eli Lilly and Company in 2017 where he held numerous technical, administrative, and operational leadership roles within the Laboratory, Quality, and Medicines Development Unit. Rutherford is recognized as a global technical expert in ER/ES, data integrity, computer systems validation and quality, as well as laboratory automation and laboratory informatics. He has a BS degree in Chemistry from Delaware Valley University, and an MS degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Kentucky.

ISPE has been a global leader in connecting pharmaceutical knowledge for nearly half a century. It has been a tremendous honor to support ISPE’s ongoing progress and achievements over the past two decades as a volunteer. I look forward to assuming the new role of ISPE and ISPE Foundation Interim President and CEO. I plan to work closely with the ISPE International Board of Directors, as well as our extensive membership base of more than 22,000 industry professionals and regulators, to continue to advance ISPE’s legacy and service in shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry.

Principal, Computer Systems Quality & Data Integrity
Rutherford Consulting, LLC

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