Robert Dillman

Elk Ridge QA, LLC
Sr. Data Integrity Specialist
Rob Dillman is a Sr. Data Integrity Specialist at Elk Ridge Quality Assurance, LLC with more than 29 years of experience working with a wide diversity of lab, IT, and automation systems implementing global Data Integrity and Quality initiatives for projects designed to protect information assets. He has a background in Data Integrity, quality auditing, and quality system integration. Rob was a major contributor to the ISPE GAMP RDI Good Practice Guide: Data Integrity-Key Concepts (Released in 2018) and the ISPE GAMP RDI Good Practice Guide: DI by Design-Data Life Cycle (Released in 2020). Rob obtained his Bachelor of Science in Microbiology in 1985 and a Master of Science in Neurobiology in 1995 from Colorado State University and then a second Master of Science in Regulatory and Quality Compliance from Purdue University in 2008. Rob served on the ISPE GAMP America’s Steering Committee, was a member of the ISPE GAMP, GAMP CSA SIG, GAMP Software Automation and Artificial Intelligence SIG, and the GAMP DI SIG. He was also a former Director of the ISPE Annual Meeting Digital Transformation Track, and a former member the Annual Meeting Program Committee.