Adriana E. Chis, Ph.D., is a Lecturer with the School of Computing at National College of Ireland. She received a Ph.D. in computer science from University College Dublin, Ireland, in 2013. She received her Diploma-Engineer (Honors) title in computer science and engineering from the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania in 2007. Her research interests are in the general area of software systems including programming languages, compilers, runtime systems, and data-intensive systems. She is a Principal Investigator in the SPuMoNI, a CHIST-ERA funded project.
Funded by the European Commission from 2019, the Smart Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Project (SPuMoNI)Smart Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. SPuMoNI homepage. harnesses the potential of state-of-the-art technologies for the pharmaceutical industry. This article discusses the main SPuMoNI accomplishments.