Women in Pharma

iSpeak Blog

Time has a remarkable ability to slip through our fingers, doesn't it? With June's arrival, we're reminded of how swiftly the year passes. As we transition into the third quarter, it's a pivotal moment for us to reassess our goals and lay the groundwork for the months ahead, even looking ahead to the following year. View the full blog for recent membership announcements, etc.

iSpeak Blog

Since starting with ISPE, Edyna Miguez, has had the incredible opportunity to connect with women across the globe working within the pharmaceutical industry, as part of the ISPE Women in Pharma® program. The tenure of these rising female leaders varies, as do their cultural backgrounds. However, one fact remains consistent: they are looking to make the industry a more equitable and...

Today, and every day, ISPE Women in Pharma community is working to create a more inclusive pharmaceutical industry. Equal opportunity for equal effort remains the goal for ISPE’s Women in Pharma initiative, with women...
iSpeak Blog

Aaron Bober is an active member of ISPE, the ISPE Women in Pharma® Boston Chapter, and the ISPE Women in Pharma International Steering Committee. He is based in the Boston, Massachusetts, area and serves as the Director of Engineering, New England, at IPS. Bober developed the below testimonial, recounting his personal experience and investment in supporting women in the pharmaceutical industry...

iSpeak Blog

With well over a century of history and change, the first International Women's Day was held in March 1911. International Women's Day is a day of collective global activism and celebration that belongs to all those committed to forging women's equality.

Today, and every day, ISPE’s Women in Pharma is working to create an equitable pharmaceutical industry! Equal opportunity for equal effort remains the goal for ISPE’s Women in Pharma initiative, with women and their...
2024 | #InspireInclusion Today, and every day, ISPE Women in Pharma® community is working to create a more inclusive pharmaceutical industry. International Women’s Day focuses on bringing the global community together in...
iSpeak Blog

ISPE’s Women in Pharma® group strives to tackle unconscious biases that limit women, and other marginalized groups, within the pharmaceutical community. Over the last few years, the group has grown to be a global force across borders, connecting industry professionals through regional and international programming, including having a presence at the 2022 ISPE Annual Meeting &...