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iSpeak Blog

Innovation Meets Talent: 2024 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo Tackles the Future of Pharmaceutical Workforce

David Churchward
DNA-Image by Shadab Mohammad from Pixabay

The unstoppable progress in technology and scientific knowledge is reshaping our industry. It is delivering novel treatments for patients and digitized monitoring tools for healthcare professionals; improved operational efficiency, less waste, and resource conservation for industry; and greater connectivity for risk-based regulation.

The ISPE 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo will showcase these developments with over 37 hours of concurrent sessions on topics such as digital transformation, operational excellence, sustainability, advanced therapies, and regulatory insights

To fully harness the potential of new scientific and technological advancements, prioritizing workforce development and education is crucial in creating teams capable of driving this progress. 

Effective workforce development goes beyond training for competence; it fosters a deep understanding of the principles that govern practices, preparing professionals to adapt their expertise to innovative technologies and methodologies. A look into the future highlights the importance of a motivated, skilled, and flexible workforce for achieving success. A central theme of the upcoming 2024 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo will be preparing the workforce for what lies ahead. This includes readying existing professionals for emergent changes and ensuring they have the necessary skills, as well as broadening recruitment efforts to include individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries who might not have traditionally been part of the pharma talent pool.

Join the workforce transformation discussion before the opening keynotes

Attendees can take full advantage of the learning experience by participating in thoughtfully selected workshops on Sunday, 13 October. These sessions will cover subjects such as digital transformation, advancement in quality management understanding, and the development of leadership abilities. They are designed to delve into topics such as engaging employees and flexible leadership strategies, handling organizational change during the shift to digital platforms and new technologies, as well as achieving cultural distinction through the early adoption of quality management maturity insights, illustrated with case studies from the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) and St. Gallen University. These roundtable discussions will provide additional insights complementary to the science and technology discussions scheduled for later in the annual meeting.

Prepare for organizational transition across various technical disciplines, including:

Working Together

The science and technology showcased in the 2024 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo clearly demonstrate that the skills and focus of future pharma professionals will be different to today.

Be part of this amazing journey. I look forward to engaging with you in Orlando, Florida, USA to learn, network and form the new ideas that will enable our workforce to deliver the products and technology for future patients. Let’s not keep them waiting.

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