iSpeak Blog

ISPE Think Tank: Driving Collaboration and Innovation

Edyna Miguez
ISPE Think Tank: Driving Collaboration and Innovation

Think Tanks are meant to mobilize expertise and ideas to influence processes and procedures and help address global issues – a concept perfectly in line with the goals and mission of ISPE, the pharmaceutical industry’s largest nonprofit association committed to connecting over 20,000 peers across 90 countries. Through online and in-person forums, ISPE members can gain industry knowledge, learn best practices, and advance their careers through meaningful conversations, collaboration and networking.

Queue ISPE Think Tank -- the Society’s latest initiative, powered and led by Women in Pharma®

This latest Women in Pharma initiative is meant to elevate and influence intellectual strength and leadership for pharmaceutical industry professionals looking to gain confidence, deepen their leadership skills and share new ideas to broaden their footprint and Shape the Future of Pharma ™.

This immersive experience is open to all members, from regulators and industry leaders down to young professionals and students. Brilliance and innovation can thrive in the right situation, and ISPE Think Tanks sets the stage to uncover new ways of tackling the industries gravest challenges by encouraging new ideas, solutions, and perspectives.

Tanya Sharma, a member of ISPE’s Women in Pharma Steering Committee, decided to successfully pilot the first ISPE Think Tank session at the 2022 ISPE Facilities of the Future Conference. The session led to riveting discussion, important realizations, and collaborations beyond the session. Since then, the Women in Pharma Steering Committee remains committed to bringing ISPE Think Tank sessions to the member base through conferences and virtual meetups.

Thinking of joining the upcoming think tank at the 2022 ISPE Biotechnology Conference in Boston, MA, USA? Here’s what you need to know:

1. When is the next ISPE Think Tank?

The next ISPE Think Tank will take place at the 2022 ISPE Biotechnology Conference in Boston. The Women in Pharma session will be held in collaboration with ISPE’s Emerging Leaders and will take place on Tuesday, 28 June 1415–1600 ET.

2. What is the next ISPE Think Tank Topic?

The upcoming ISPE Think Tank topic is Expanding your footprint – Opportunities in Biotech.

Our panelists and roundtable discussions will focus on innovation, creating in a highly regulated industry, and the opportunities and challenges for the future of biotech.


Jessica Beyer
Director, Cell Therapy Manufacturing
Bristol Myers Squibb
Lindsey Daniel
Director, Product Operations Strategy and Business Lead
Rachelle Jacques
President & CEO
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Mahesh Karande
President and CEO
Omega Therapeutics

Learn More

3. How do the sessions usually go?

The sessions begin with a panel discussion featuring industry leaders that have introduced a new approach, initiative or promoted a new way of thinking within the pharmaceutical industry.

Following the panel discussion, the audience breaks out into roundtable discussions related to the topic of the conference or current global initiative.

4. What level of expertise do you need to participate?

The ISPE Think Tank philosophy is that you don’t have to be an expert to share an idea – all are welcome to participate! We encourage our members to be part of real time discussions about ideas, new thought processes, and potential ideas that can help solve problems in our industry. We are hoping that the ISPE Think Tank sessions will encourage diversity in thought, be inclusive of all levels of experience, and will help tackle some of our industry’s greatest challenges.

5. What should someone expect at an ISPE Think Tank session?

This is a fully interactive session where you are an active participant! Get ready to network, collaborate and explore new ways in thinking as we problem solve timely topics.

Interested in joining in on the conversation? Join us at the 2022 ISPE Biotechnology Conference in June.